A new series about online dating, modern relationships, and adult friendship from Chorus.

Real stories from real people, brought to you by Chorus, the matchmaking app where friends swipe for friends. 

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Whether we like it or not, online dating has become the new norm. And yet the current model, adopted by nearly every dating site, is only proving to make us feel more lonely. 

Chorus is trying to change that. We’re a community-based matchmaking app where friends swipe for friends. We believe no one should have to navigate dating alone— especially now. Whether you’re happily partnered and want to swipe for friends (we’ve all done it), or are tired of “the apps” and could use a hand , there’s a place for you on Chorus. Unlike other dating apps, you always swipe for others— Chorus is all about friends helping friends.

Online dating isn’t going away, but something fundamental needs to change.

As I explain in our launch essay, online dating isn’t going away, but something fundamental needs to change. I founded Chorus because meeting people online and meeting people through friends, don’t have to be mutually exclusive — in fact, they shouldn’t be. By looping friends in the process we want to bring community, accountability, and humanity back to dating.

Meeting people online and meeting people through friends, don’t have to be mutually exclusive — in fact, they shouldn’t be.

Chorus is building a movement to make modern connection more human. One of the ways we’re doing that is by telling real, complicated stories from real complicated people. Not just about neat, romantic love, or online dating horror stories, but about all the messy and nuanced variations of connection in our lives. 

We don’t believe a romantic relationship is the ultimate goal, or the answer to one’s problems. Love and support come in many forms and complications exist no matter your relationship status. The one constant is that we need our friends to share in our experiences and to help us navigate the bumps.

Which is why I’m thrilled to introduce The Chorus, a new content series in partnership with Medium’s Human Parts, about all things online dating, modern relationships, and adult friendship. Our goal is to create a complex, nuanced conversation about relationships in all forms. This means not limiting our stories to dating or romantic partnership, but talking about the way connections shape our lives in new and ever-changing ways. Yes, Chorus is a matchmaking app, but it’s also a community of people in all stages of relationships with relatable, valuable stories to share. (Have something to say? Email emily@getchorus.com with pitches and submissions.)

Sign up for early access to Chorus; matchmaking launches later this year. And follow The Chorus on Medium. There’s a lot to talk about, and we can’t wait to get into it.