Bringing community back to dating.

Making Dating Human Again

chorus is a matchmaking app where friends swipe for friends


 Unfortunately, Chorus has ceased operations and is no longer available for download. We’re proud of the product and community we built and are deeply grateful to everyone who JOINED US.

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what people are saying

as featured in

Chorus - Making dating human again through matchmaking. | Product Hunt


you never swipe for yourself on chorus

we’re changing how dating is done

Friends have always helped friends navigate relationships; there’s no reason that should stop just because everything is moving online. We’re building a dating culture that emphasizes community, accountability, and humanity.

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How chorus works

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Let Your Friends Swipe For You

Dating shouldn’t have to be so lonely. Invite a friend to play Matchmaker and get matched by the people who know you best.

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Dating roulette

New! Meet face to face

Get paired on blind 5 minute video chats and see if it’s a fit. Learn more in a 5 min convo than you ever could with a profile.

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